Reach CRNAs and Residents with NAFA.
CRNA Founded. CRNA Trusted for Over 45 Years.

Sponsor and Exhibit

Destination CE events at 
Disney, Universal Orlando, & Virginia Beach
additional locations coming soon

High Fidelity Simulations
Hands-On Workshops

Student Professional Development Day at VCU

When you partner with Nurse Anesthesiology Faculty Associates, you associate your brand with one of the nation’s most respected continuing education organizations for nurse anesthetists. 

Over the last 45+ years, our valued sponsors have allowed us to host informative and entertaining conferences and workshops in amazing locations. And in return, those sponsors have built great relationships with CRNAs and nurse anesthesiology residents. 

NAFA is the continuing education division of VCU Nurse Anesthesia, one the nation’s top ranked programs for the nurse anesthesia specialty.

Explore Options

Schedule a one-on-one meeting with our Continuing Education Director, Jennifer Sisane, to discuss NAFA sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities. Email her at

Package Examples

One of the great aspects of partnering with NAFA as a sponsor is that we can build a partnership program that best suits your needs. Here are a few examples of the packages and opportunities we can offer your organization. Certain sponsorships are available from 1-4 days depending on the event.

Exclusive Breakfast Sponsor - $6,000

Refuel CRNAs so they are ready for the day ahead. Sponsor a full hot breakfast with continuous coffee for the event.

  • Organization name and link on website as the exclusive sponsor of daily hot breakfasts
  • Recognition signage and daily thank you announcements
  • Exhibitor table – two representatives
  • Exhibitor Passport – complimentary inclusion
  • Breakfast and refreshment breaks for representatives

Exclusive Workshop Sponsor - $6,000

Highlight your commitment to cutting-edge anesthesia care. Sponsor a hands-on workshop to help CRNAs stay current with the latest technological advancements, techniques, and evidence-based practices.

  • Organization name and link on website as the exclusive workshop sponsor
  • Recognition signage and daily thank you announcements
  • Exhibitor table – two representatives
  • Exhibitor Passport – complimentary inclusion
  • Breakfast and refreshment breaks for representatives

Participant Sponsor - $2,700
Add to any sponsorship for $1,700

Show CRNAs you value their professional development and replenishing time. Sponsor participant registrations for an upcoming NAFA conference. Take advantage of our special sponsor rate and save $400.

  • Organization name and link on website as registration seat giveaway sponsor
  • Recognition signage and daily thank you announcements
  • NAFA registration for two CRNAs or two SRNAs
  • Exhibitor table – two representatives
  • Exhibitor Passport – complimentary inclusion
  • Breakfast and refreshment breaks for representatives

Exhibitor - $1,000

Share your story, products, and services with CRNAs. You have the option to staff your table or leave materials for self-service. Additional representatives can be added for an extra fee.

  • Organization name and link on website as exhibitor
  • Recognition signage and daily thank you announcements
  • Exhibitor table – two representatives
  • Exhibitor Passport – complimentary inclusion
  • Breakfast and refreshment breaks for representatives

Exhibitor Passport - Complimentary

Maximize your exposure. We'll feature your organization on our exhibitor passport, helping you attract more CRNAs to your table, increase engagement, and generate potential leads—all at no additional cost.

Reach CRNAs

Reach Residents